R9c – Finding percentages and percentage changes multiplicatively using decimals

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Estimating percentages of quantities

Before working out precise percentages of quantities, it can be helpful to make estimates so that you can sense-check your eventual answer. For example, you can quickly work out that 26% of 362 must be a little more than 25% or 360 i.e. it must be greater than 90.

Interactive applet: finding a percentage of a given quantity

Part 1 – Finding percentages multiplicatively using decimals

Teacher resources for Part 1

Teachers: log in to access the following:

  • Slides in PPTX (with click-to-reveal answers)
  • Slides in PDF (one slide per page, suitable for importing into IWB software)
Links to past exam questions

Teachers: log in to access these.

Unlimited practice questions: Turning a percentage into a decimal multiplier

Unlimited practice questions: Turning a percentage into a decimal multiplier

Part 2 – Finding percentage changes multiplicatively using decimals

Teacher resources

Teachers: log in to access the following:

  • Slides in PPTX (with click-to-reveal answers)
  • Slides in PDF (one slide per page, suitable for importing into IWB software)
Links to past exam questions

Teachers: log in to access these.

Unlimited practice: Turning a 'percentage change' question into a 'find a percentage of...' question
Unlimited practice: Percentage change using decimal multipliers

In the real world

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